BOC Special Gases: Gas Cylinder PreparationThe cylinder cleaning and analytical facilities of BOC Special Gases invested heavily in a new clean area for cylinder preparation, dedicated to the supply of consistent high purity process gases for the semiconductor industry. The company can supply a full range of gases certified at less than ten
particles per cubic foot from its Morden, South London location. Sophisticated
analytical instruments capable The cylinder preparation processes are microprocessor controlled, with a proven data capture system for accuracy, product consistency and traceability. After a thorough external wash, cylinders are internally cleaned using a proprietary process involving halocarbon (recycled to avoid release into the atmosphere) purge gas and deionised water. The cylinders are then heated under vacuum to drive off residual impurities. Special Gases are using Thermosafe induction heaters to ensure even heating over the whole cylinder for drying to very high levels of purity. This novel application of induction heating avoids stresses caused by uneven heating. After heating, a residual gas analysis is carried out, followed by a particle count. The cylinders are then ready for filling. Traceability is built into the whole process, each step is recorded directly in a database, giving a permanent cylinder history. Customers have access to that part of the database concerned with their orders and BOC uses the information in statistical process control work. Gas Cylinder Heating Jackets:We can also supply our flexible heating jackets made to measure for gas cylinder warming in "safe" areas - call us with your cylinder sizes and we will quote accordingly. |
Thermosafe - Why not rent one for your metal drum heating application? Click here to find out more.